Regulator Solutions
Promote network performance and service quality improvements, ensuring compliance with the evolving telecom regulatory landscape as a telecom regulatory agency or a Ministry of Communications.
Regulatory Compliance - Regulator solutions
Public policies require to protect and empower consumers, as well as to drive continuous network and telecommunication services improvement. Revolutionizing Regulatory Compliance with Real-Time Quality of Service & Quality Insights.
Grand scale QoE monitoring - Regulator solutions
High-speed connections and the new digital experiences demand true OTT visibility and a cost-effective data collection and probes deployment strategy. MedUX offers technical indicators converted into Quality metrics, measured from a customer perspective, enabling regulators to compare communication service providers, protect consumer rights, and enhance public digital service quality nationwide.
Massive field-data monitoring - Regulator solutions
The digital era demands a comprehensive understanding of network performance from the user's perspective. MedUX empowers regulators to gain massive nationwide visibility across the networks, helping to enhance public service quality through extensive, real-field data monitoring.
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